Windows 8 N Debug/Checked Build (multiple editions) (x86) - DVD (English)
Technical information about “Windows 8 N Debug/Checked Build (multiple editions) (x86) - DVD (English)” available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads. You cannot download this file from but you can use the information below to find and download it from official sources.
File Name | en_windows_8_n_debug_checked_build_x86_dvd_917564.iso |
File Rating | |
SHA-1 Hash | F7E53B8EC1D9B8C7EEF6CEB1D204442120486068 |
File Size | 2GB |
Release Date | |
Operating System | Windows |
Computer Architecture | 32-bit |
File Format | ISO |
Language | English |
MSDN Product Category | Operating Systems |
MSDN Product Family | Windows 8 |
MSDN File ID | 50149 |
MSDN File Description | Windows 8 N Debug/Checked Build (multiple editions) (x86) - DVD (English) | MSDN Subscriptions |
Please note: This is an N edition of Windows (
This file contains both Windows 8 N and Windows 8 Pro N. Please refer to your product keys to determine which products are included with your subscription.
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